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Battlefield 3 two player co-op mode will span ten missions

by Michael Arsenault on Monday, June 27, 2011 , under

A sliver of light has been shed on Battlefield 3′s co-op mode in the latest issue of PSM3. The mode will support two players side by side, will span ten missions and will be a standalone section, separate from the single player game. Apart from that, DICE are keeping a tight lid on things. Hopefully they’ll will show more as we get closer to the October 25 release date.
It’ll be going head to head with Modern Warfare 3′s Spec Ops mode, which offers its own series of co-op missions for four players at a time. The Modern Warfare 3 spec ops mode was recently demonstrated live on US television, while Battlefield 3 got plenty of screen time over the course of E3, with footage of a single player mission set in a tank, and action from the Operation Metro multiplayer map.
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  • Jim

    I hope BF# rocks the new MW, it'd be nice to see people coming up with new co-op ideas though, not just copying what there competitors are doing.

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