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The biggest PC stories of E3 2011

by Michael Arsenault on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 , under

Battlefield 3 gets a release date, beta plans announced

Battlefield 3 was spectacular at E3 this year. It was one of the best looking games at the show. The EA conference tank mission demo stole our war-obsessed hearts and made us all go “ooooh!” at the screen. In terms of actual news, however, the October 25 release date is a big deal. Battlefield 3 will get a couple of weeks head start on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (out November 8). There will also be a Battlefield 3 beta in   September.

Far Cry 3 revealed
Far Cry 3 is coming. The sequel plans to combine the lush jungle environments of Far Cry with the open world of Far Cry 2. Ubisoft promise that the AI has been altered this time so the action happens when the player wants, not when an overzealous patrol comes within a mile. The lawless island will be fully explorable, and the game is built in an upgraded version of the powerful Dunia engine that fuelled Far Cry 2′s enormous world.

Bioshock Infinite trailer and demo amazes

This year’s Bioshock Infinite E3 trailer was impressive, but the behind the scenes demo Graham saw was even better. He saw a world full of big ideas and exciting gun fights, a battle of philosophies on a gorgeous floating city. 

Mirror’s Edge 2 plans hinted at, could use Frostbite 2

While not quite exactly confirming anything, EA games president Frank Gibeau made it quite clear that EA plans to bring back Mirror's Edge. What’s more, it could be powered by Battlefield 3′s Frostbite 2 engine. We don’t expect a sequel anytime soon, with DICE hard at work on Battlefield, but the prospect of a new Mirror’s Edge game further down the line is still exciting.
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  • D

    WAAAT? new mirrors edge? i can't wait to check something else using the new frostbite engine since it kicks so much ass. fingers crossed for battlefield beta X|

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