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Crysis 2 vanishes from Steam, now listed as “only on Origin”

by Michael Arsenault on Thursday, June 16, 2011 , under

Crysis 2 has vanished from the Steam store, apparently pulled by EA so that they can sell the game exclusively through their new digital store, Origin.
Kotaku note that the game’s disappearance on Steam coincides with a note on the EA site declaring that Crysis 2 is available “only through Origin.” In reality it’s still possible to buy the game through a number of other sites, including Direct2Drive, Amazon and Impulse. It’s unclear whether EA will have Crysis 2 removed from those sites, too, or whether they’re intentionally targeting Steam as their main competitor.
EA have already said that Star Wars: The Old Republic will only be available digitally through Origin, but the latest move raises the question of whether future EA games like Mass Effect 3 and Battlefield 3 will only be available through EA’s download service.
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  • Anonymous

    Why is EA they doing this? Don't they know their going to loose a lot of business by removing Crysis 2 from steam.

  • Jordan

    yeah no good, not crazy over steam anyways.
    Huh! I can't believe SWTOR will be available only over download..... So lame, I prefer a physical copy of my games 100%.

  • Connor

    i wonder how many steam fanboys wont buy the game because of this. personally, i like steam and can't stand when companies do things like this to promote their lame products. apple does this with flash. its frustrating.

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